Friday, 28 October 2011

Katy n June Pop-Up Christmas Cards at SCP

Wow just spotted these fabulous pop-up Christmas cards that become festive decorations on SCP. Simply open them out, fasten and you will have yourself a hanging Christmas tree, snowman or Santa. I really want one! Made by Katy n June.

Friday, 21 October 2011

The Old Oak Tree, South Kilvington

Spring - Summer is now showing in the beautiful restaurant area of the Old Oak Tree in South Kilvington, Thirsk. The seasonal artwork suits the stunning newly built restaurant area. The food is fantastic, go treat yourselves and come see my work!

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Stamp't soon!

Stamp't - An exciting new project launching in November. It'll be a new way to send your greeting cards with ease. In production now...

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Just a quick update

Its been a bit too busy this week to blog, some possible exciting opportunities ahead if things go my way! I'll let you know when i know.

Soon I shall be revealing the secret behind Stamp't. Manufacturing is lined up, final nod next week and once they are made its time to launch...all I can say is save buying your special christmas cards until you have seen mine. All 4 designs are complete and I cannot wait to share their unique selling point with you all!

The sunshine is out, I shall go and make the most of it!

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Follow me on Twitter!

Track my progress day to day, I'll be tweeting about design projects, news and what's interesting me. Click on the 'follow me' icon on the right sidebar or add me @FionaBroadbent

Friday, 7 October 2011

Autumn at Rural Arts, Thirsk

Some exciting news 'autumn' is going on show at Rural Arts in Thirsk. So if you're in the area, pop in for a pot of tea, perhaps a delicious cake and take a look!

For more information visit :

Saturday, 1 October 2011

A mix of spring and summer

The latest addition to the collection which has just come back from the framers this morning mixing spring and summer. Available to buy and for exhibitions now. All my work is hand finished and can be made to your specification in terms of size and shades.

Hope everyone is enjoying the indian summer at the moment...i am off to have cocktails in the garden to make the most of it.